Firstly, bear in mind that the reserve wallet can be cashed out during an account upgrade.
For example a member comes in with a #20,000/$20 package and needs Dulu, Suri, and Max Active. Dulu costs #8000/$8, Suri costs #8000/$8, and Max Active costs #5000/$5, totaling #21,000/$21.
However, if you only have #20,000/$20 in your wallet, which is not enough to purchase all three products, the system will allow the member to choose 1 Dulu and 1 Suri for a total of #16,000/$16.
The remaining #4000/$4 will be sent to the reserve wallet since there is no product priced at #4000/$4.
This amount can be used after upgrading your account. For instance, if you upgrade to a #35,000/$35 package by paying #15,000/$15 into your account, when you want to clear your products, you will be able to cash out products worth #19,000/$19 because you already have #4000/$4 in your reserve wallet.
The same process applies to an individual who starts with a #10,000/$10 package; they can only select one product worth #8000/$8 while the system sends #2000/$2 to their reserve wallet. If the individual decides to upgrade to a member package by paying an additional #10,000/$10, they will then be able to choose products worth #12,000/$12 since they already have #2000/$2 in their reserve wallet.